Teachers: Who Do You Talk To When Job Stress Is Driving You Crazy?

Seriously, Who do you talk to when the stress of your teaching gig is driving you crazy? I know that when I was
teaching, it felt like a lonely place where there were not many people that I could trust to share with. And
there were very few opportunities to share with someone who had the possibility of knowing what I was going

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What Teachers Want…

Teachers may want to hear from other teachers and successful people in education who are accomplishing much in a variety of fields of endeavor. What do you want to see in terms of venues of communication and collaboration among teachers?

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A School Can Be A Dangerous Place

A School Is A Dangerous Place. What do you do when one of the learners you protect, on a given school day, current student, comes in with a weapon, attempting to do damage to other students, teachers, or staff? What do you do when one of your former students comes back with a weapon, determined to shoot and kill students, teachers, or staff? We discuss it here...

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What Can One Person Do To Change The Equation And Improve Education

Have you ever felt that something needed to change, but then realized that you
were just one person? And, after all, what can one person do to improve the
situation, right?

But, what if you were talking about improving Educational outcomes. And, you
decided to teach to improve outcomes. Oh, yes, but you are only one person.
What can you possibly do to improve Education?

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Making Your Classroom Work For Student Success

One thing that I had to consider as a Teacher, is that I was also a parent. I
needed to get good deals on many supplies for my family, as well as create and provide a suitable classroom environment for the many students that came through my classroom every day.

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STEM Diversity and Inclusion: Are Some Groups Having Difficulty Finding Employment In STEM Careers?

Although it may seem like a non-traditional hire, when more and more African-Americans fulfill the requirements for college degrees, they are likewise, hopeful to actually work in those fields.

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How to Become the Best Employment Candidate For The Job

Becoming the best version of you, as it relates to the job we
are discussing. Often, people are talented, and can do many things well.
Depending on the task we are discussing, you are apparently good at it, if you
are applying for a job at this.

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Do You Think That Receiving Tenure Is A Realistic Possibility In Your State And In Your School?

Firstly: I think that it is good for teachers to think about themselves in a
financial sense, and also in a professional sense, because often we really
don't think of ourselves that way.

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JumpStart Your Teaching Career With EdRoboTech.com Net Scholars Professional Membership

We at EdRoboTech.com are pleased to announce the release of our new and
improved membership venue, with you in mind...Membership affords you the ability to keep track of the content that is right for you.

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Better Safe Than Sorry

People used to use and old adage: "Better Safe Than Sorry" to describe the
process of preparing one's self for the unknown. It still is relevant today.
Unfortunately, the things that we are preparing to shelter against seem more
daunting than in years past:

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