Teachers: What are your primary concerns towards reopening schools? Are vaccination for teachers, school HVAC updates, and classroom updates primary issues?

Some teachers want to be vaccinated, before school reopens to classes full time. There are schools that need to update their ventilation systems for safety. What are some of the changes in the way that classrooms work, that will help to keep each other safe and healthy?

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Teachers: Who Do You Talk To When Job Stress Is Driving You Crazy?

Seriously, Who do you talk to when the stress of your teaching gig is driving you crazy? I know that when I was
teaching, it felt like a lonely place where there were not many people that I could trust to share with. And
there were very few opportunities to share with someone who had the possibility of knowing what I was going

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Teaching: Job, Practice or Profession?

Teaching is one of the more demanding jobs one might have. Some days, everything goes smoothly, and it seems so pleasant. Other days can be very challenging filled with negative interactions, and challenging, somewhat dangerous situations.

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What Teachers Want…

Teachers may want to hear from other teachers and successful people in education who are accomplishing much in a variety of fields of endeavor. What do you want to see in terms of venues of communication and collaboration among teachers?

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A School Can Be A Dangerous Place

A School Is A Dangerous Place. What do you do when one of the learners you protect, on a given school day, current student, comes in with a weapon, attempting to do damage to other students, teachers, or staff? What do you do when one of your former students comes back with a weapon, determined to shoot and kill students, teachers, or staff? We discuss it here...

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