Join Net Scholars Membership at


Join Net Scholars Professional Membership

By Edward Robinson

Why join the Net Scholars Program?
What's in it for me, as a New Teacher, Established Master Teacher, Principal/Administrator, Parent, or Stakeholder?

Novice Teacher/Emerging Teacher

A new teacher needs more than a mentor to make it in today's classrooms. There are a whole bunch of challenges that didn't exist in
the same way when many teachers were growing up. Discussing the issues, trends, and options for an emerging teacher, beforehand, can help to avoid problems later.
EdRoboTech is a venue where issues can be discussed an addressed in a positive, non employment threatening way.

Master Teacher

Often once you reach a level of mastery there will be a desire to share what you've mastered, and EdRobTech Net Scholars offers a venue to share
that mastery, through:

  1. contribution of writings
  2. discussions of trending topics
  3. upcoming events in the near future


Principals and Administrators need to keep up with changing climate, trends, and technology. Net Scholars will be able to
keep up with changing trends, and management will need to be informed also. Welcome to the discussion. Some of our professionals will have the skills that you will
desire in your next teaching professionals. Find them here!


Parents are invested in getting and maintaining the best educational solutions for their children. Investing in a Net Scholars membership will afford you the opportunity to trend with the best teachers, discussing challenges, and successes in emerging educational environments, that will inform changes in educational practices.


Stakeholders are interested in STEM Education and how it will affect the future of our country and the world. Are today's workers prepared for emerging
employment opportunities? More importantly, will tomorrow's employees be ready for the STEM careers of the future? What can we do to help them?

Don't you want to be a part of the next major teaching solution? Get involved in the process of teaching and learning with technology and inform its progress!

Non Union Teachers and support staff:

Student Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Student teachers, need to know about the career they interact with every day. You deserve to have someone mention your experiences and have a place to  speak and collaborate with as well.

  • payment helps us to provide you with services that will help you perform your career better.
  • showcase new products
  • discuss trends and topic in education
  • get together for events: job fairs, webinars, meet ups
  • web resources and discussion boards
  • Encouraged to be a contributor in some articles we produce

Teaching Professionals:

We want you to be Net Scholars! Sign Up Today at, at the link that for NetScholars from our home page. Membership
costs just $125.00 for a full year! Join today!

Join Net Scholars Professional Membership Here!

Thank You for choosing Net Scholars Membership today! And, We'll See You Online!

What Does Stand for?


Education--From Pre-K to Grade
, Higher Education, Coder's Camps, Degree programs, and Professional


Robotics---In Commerce, Design, Development, FTC, First tech challenge,
development of robotics programs in education,etc.


Technology in terms of Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and how it
will impact Commerce, Education, WorkPlace, Jobs, etc.


  1. Is the synergy, the education, and the pursuit, Remote Teaching and
    Learning, Distance Education. Encouragement and Support for Novice Teaching
  2. Learning about Educational technology in terms of e-learning and m-learning.
  3. Studying the process of STEM Education with the goal of controlling and
    enhancing AI or Robotics and Automation to accomplish goals.
  4. Studying and learning in a new way. Training and Elearning to do new things:
    Emerging technologies, livesaving devices, problem solving robots that serve